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Opportunity details
Type Franchise
Cash RequiredThe cash required is the amount of cash you have available or that you can access without referring to a traditional loan (family loans, stock, retirement plans, etc).
Total InvestmentThe total investment is the total expected spending amount to start their business. This includes the franchise fee and other spending fees such as real estate, staffing, and supplies.
90 000 à 120 000 €
Native Country
Available LocationsThe available locations for franchising are the territories or regions the franchisor is looking to develop.
Total Units (Worldwide) 1,700
Year Founded 1980



Get the exclusive right to develop MBE in one or more countries. As a Master Licensee, you adapt the MBE business concept to the local market and develop the MBE network in the territory.

Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is one of the world's largest networks of full-service centres, offering logistics, communication and support solutions to businesses and individuals.

Since its inception in San Diego (USA) in 1980, the concept has grown continuously and expanded to all corners of the world. Today, MBE has more than 1700 multi-service centers located in more than 45 countries.

Active in the service sector, MBE brings added value by helping individuals and professionals (more specifically small and medium-sized businesses) to optimize their productivity by outsourcing needs and activities that are not part of their core business.

Our mission is therefore to facilitate our clients' business by offering them customized solutions that are easily accessible and delivered with a unique level of expertise.

MBE centers offer 5 types of solutions:

  • Packaging & Shipping
  • Micro-logistics
  • Impression
  • Solutions Marketing
  • Domiciliation

We are therefore looking for a Master Licensee who is motivated to develop the concept in Africa


What is the Master Licensee (ML)?

MBE develops its international network through Master Licensee (or Master Franchise) agreements established with local entrepreneurs.

The Master Licensee grants the Master Licensee the exclusive right to use in the country:

  • The MBE brand
  • The business concept based on franchising
  • MBE's know-how to develop and support a network of entrepreneurs in the region.


What are the missions of the ML?

  • Introducing the brand to Africa by opening the MBE pilot center and headquarters
  • Adapting the concept to the local market
  • Develop a network of Franchisees in the country
  • Training and supporting MBE franchisees in Africa


The Master Licensee MBE is:

  • A country-wide business opportunity
  • Diversified revenue streams
  • Comprehensive support and training (initial and continuous)
  • Know-how shaped over more than 40 years
  • An international network of entrepreneurs
  • An investment of €90,000 to €120,000 depending on the country for the establishment of the first pilot centre and the acquisition of the rights for the master franchise for the entire country. The working capital requirement required for the development of the franchise network will have to be calculated in addition.


Will the concept work in my country?

MBE's growth and success around the world lies in the flexibility and agility of its business concept. Through its wide range of solutions, Mail Boxes Etc. meets the many needs of its customers, as diverse as they may be. In addition, the combination of multiple services in one place provides customers with a single, centralized solution.

So if our values speak to you, if you are looking for an opportunity on the scale of a country where routine does not exist, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it.